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Fanfiction has a bit of a bad rap in some circles. A lot of otherwise voracious readers refuse to read it, working under the assumption that it must be worse than the original. While it is true that quite a bit of the fanfiction available online is mediocre at best, there are also fanfic authors who are able to impact the reader in ways that the original authors never could.

This website intends to help the teen librarian who is unversed in fanfiction to get a better sense of how this storytelling format can be used as a supplement for their patrons’ media consumption.

Fanfic has the potential to go deeper into the characters, looking at the psychological effects of canon events or asking what the characters would do if they weren't restricted by the plot. It can look at the original work’s world and embellish the aspects that must be there, only hiding behind the curtain. Or it can take the irrational parts of the world and exploit them for all their worth.

Created by Alana Howlett for LI832XI Fall 2016 at Emporia State University with
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