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Some fanfics look at what characters were doing when the narrative wasn’t looking at them. These usually comply with canon events, but the fanfic will add someone else's perspective on what happened and why.

These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For

A Star Wars Fanfic by Kelaria

These Aren’t the Droids You’re Looking For follows the events of the original Star Wars trilogy extremely closely; at the same time, the behind the scenes actions and motivations are so radically different from canon that it becomes farcical at times. Interestingly enough, the absurd becomes means of justifying the incongruous aspects of the movies, such as why a medical droid would have "lost the will to live" as a possible diagnosis. This story is sure to make the reader laugh and they might leave the fic believing that Darth Vader wanted to be the Worst Sith Lord Ever all along.

Guide Me Home

An Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic by Qwi-Xux

It is common for fanfics to take characters who never shared a canonical scene together and have them run into one another. Guide Me Home takes Zuko’s mother and Katara’s father and has the two fall in love while they both covertly fight against the Fire Nation. This fic had the added benefit of developing a similar pairing to the popular Zuko/Katara ship while not contradicting the actual show. With the release of the graphic novel series The Search, this fic no longer fits within established canon--it should be noted, however, that many readers prefer this story, as it makes Ursa into a stronger, more proactive character like her original portrayal was.

Identity Crisis

A Spider-Man fanfic by jjonahjameson

Even the most minor of characters can be the basis of a fanfic.  Identity Crisis shows what happens to the passengers on the train who saw Spider-Man's face in Spider-Man 2. Most of them want to keep the secret, though it only takes one of them to spill the beans.  As one man is about to describe Spider-Man's true appearance to the police, the rest of the passengers take matters into their own hands: they each describe someone different so that the truth can't be found out. The New York unity displayed in the movie is still there but it acknowledges that secrecy is a hard thing to keep among a crowd over time.

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Created by Alana Howlett for LI832XI Fall 2016 at Emporia State University with
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