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Rational fanfic is a newer genre in which characters look at the ramifications of the world they live in and try to avoid the reactionary stupidity typical of their canon counterparts. This is not to say that rational fanfiction characters are devoid of passion or flaws, but rather that when circumstances allow them to make choices rationally, they do.

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

A Harry Potter fanfic by Eliezer Yudkowsky ​

​Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality codified rationalist fanfic and inspired several followers. Eliezer Yudkowsky alters J.K. Rowling’s universe slightly so that Harry is raised by a scientist and that most characters are aware of fantasy tropes. Throughout the fanfic, Harry actively seeks ways of exploiting the wizarding world's magic and culture. While Harry's scientific mindset does make him a force to be reckoned with, Voldemort has also become far more intelligent than his canon counterpart and is a significant threat. This story also functions well as an impetus for the reader to learn more about theories of rationality and how they can be applied.  It should be noted, though, that the story has very strong humanist themes and one of Harry's long-term goals, unlike his canon counterpart, is to make everyone immortal.  This isn't the story for everyone (the 661,619 word count alone can be a major deterrent) but for the reader who wants a complex story that makes him or her think, it is a rewarding experience.


A Twilight fanfic by Alicorn

​Luminosity and its sequel Radiance make the Twilight series more fleshed out, with a protagonist who is self-aware and proactive in achieving her goals. Alicorn designed the story to be read by anyone, even if they hated Twilight or never even read it. She cuts the fluffy romance (while teen literature has a strong tendency to feature the mushy stuff, don't forget that there are a lot of teen readers who'd rather read anything else) in favor of having Bella thinking her way through problems. Bella's new proactivity isn't a perfect thing, however, as her decisions result in consequences that canon would never have let happen.  The story is a good way of showing readers that you shouldn't judge a fanfic by its origins.

The Metropolitan Man

A Superman fanfic by alexanderwales

The Metropolitan Man focuses on the villain’s point of view, in this case, Lex Luthor as he tries to kill Superman. Luthor avoids many of the pitfalls of his various canon counterparts, the most important being that he does everything in his power to make sure that Superman doesn’t know that he is the one trying to kill him. The story is set in the 1930s at the very beginning of Superman’s career, when all Luthor can see is an all-powerful alien who could destroy the world if not kept in check. The fanfic also looks at Lois Lane and how having a god-alien fall in love with you is terrifying, but you do what you have to in order to keep him happy and—more importantly—emotionally stable.

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by John Scalzi

This story follows five minor crewmen on a starship that has a remarkable resemblance to the USS Enterprise.  They can't help but notice that crew dies at an absurdly high rate and for even more absurd reasons.  Exhibit A: death by ice shark.  In interest of self preservation, they decide that they need to figure out what is causing the extreme mortality and how they can possibly manage to stop it.  This book is reminiscent of the movie Galaxy Quest in that it pokes fun at Star Trek's flaws in the most lovingly critical way possible.


by Iceman

This story blurs the line as to what is fanfiction, as the world of My Little Pony is as fictional as it is in our own. Here the franchise is turned into an online RPG and the AI running it is sentient.  While the AI is programmed to be benevolent, its skewed priorities and relative lack of restraint mean it will do whatever it can to fulfill them, even literally consuming the universe. This work is in a very similar vein to classic dystopias like 1984 and Brave New World, only with more modern technology supporting it (and the inclusion of ponies).

Created by Alana Howlett for LI832XI Fall 2016 at Emporia State University with
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