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Characters in canon get lucky a lot. That is because the characters have to be capable of  continuing on through the author's plans for them.  Fanfic writers, however, are free to make those characters suffer as many consequences as they want.

Phantom of Truth

A Danny Phantom fanfic by HaiJu

Identity reveal fics are incredibly common, though most of these at least end on a happy note.  In Danny Phantom canon, he was able to choose when to reveal his half-ghost status to his ghost-hunting parents when they'd changed enough to accept it.  Phantom of Truth shows what could happen if Danny's mom ever got the chance to ignorantly experiment on his ghost half. The story starts off with mostly harmless experiments but they soon escalate to things that no human should experience. Danny's emotional scarring at the torture goes deep and it, along with his mother's trauma at realizing what she did to her own son, is explored in the sequel Shadow of a Doubt.


A Young Justice fanfic by Tiger Lily Roar

Depths is the first of a four-part series of one-shots that takes a plot twist of Young Justice, that one of the team goes deep-undercover, and makes it so that Nightwing has to go undercover instead.  The team's sense of loss after Nightwing's apparent death stings even more and Nightwing is willing to do worse things than the canonical mole did to keep his cover intact, no matter how much he will hate himself for it.  This story highlights a theme that was apparent in the original cartoon, of how morally gray it is to put your own friends in danger for the greater good, and just intensifies it until it becomes nigh impossible to recover from.


A Harry Potter fanfic by esama

Sisyphus is a dark take on a common feature of fanfics where a character goes back in time and has the chance to change things.  In this story, though, Harry is sent back repeatedly against his will à la Groundhog Day.  With each cycle, Harry tries to make changes but doing so only gets him killed to start things over again.  After over a hundred attempts, he makes what ought to be a perfect run to free him.  It doesn't work.

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Other Stories Like This


by Tim Kring

The miniseries sequel to the TV show Heroes, this story focused on a world that has since started regulating superpowers as a matter of course and which is on the verge of global destruction.  All the things that the prior series worried about come to pass here: discrimination, abuse of power (both super and political), and lots of deaths, even of those who were thought to be invincible.


by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland

The canonicity of this comic book  is up for debate.  Some consider it an "Elseworlds" story that has since become quasi-canononical while others say it was canon from the start.  Fittingly, the story shows the origin story of the Joker, or rather, his "multiple choice" past.  The Joker also shoots and paralyzes Barbara Gordon and tortures her father in an attempt to prove that a "bad day" can break anyone.

Created by Alana Howlett for LI832XI Fall 2016 at Emporia State University with
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